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How long is camp?

Monday –Friday 8am-3pm for 7 weeks



Is before care provided?

Not at this time


Is aftercare provided?

Yes, from 3pm-5pm for an additional fee of $50 per week, per child


Is my child required to attend all 7 weeks?

We would love for your child to join us for all 7 weeks, but we understand that it’s summertime! Although attendance is not mandatory we do require payment for each week in full if your child attends more than 3 days a week. We do offer drop-in rates for a max of 3 days per week.


What is the daily drop-in rate?

The daily drop-in rate is $60 per day with a max of 3 days.


Do you offer multiple-child discounts?

Yes, discounts are offered for every child after the first.


Are meals included?

We will provide lunch daily. Children will also receive a healthy am/pm snack.





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